Korean Street Food


Incheon: Seoul

I visit South Korea always in winter, never in the hellish summer heat and humidity, which I avoid at all cost. This year I went in March (late winter) instead of January (deep winter) and I could deal with that type of cold much better. Our South African winter this year is colder than normal, or so it feels to me at least and today I miss the Korean street food which is fascinating and delicious. My favourite place in Ulsan is stricly speaking not on the street but rather a “hole in the wall”‘type of place with limited seating, so eating standing around huddled together in the cold is just the thing! The tempura fried vegetables are served with a rice vinegar dipping sauce.


Vegetable tempura and glass noodle roll.

Tempura Vegetables

Tempura Vegetables

In Seoul the street vendors are lined up one after the other and walking around, tasting and eating from one vendor to the next with a spot of shopping inbetween is a nightly pass time, which I embraced whole heartedly if my bank balance was anything to go by…

Vibrant candy floss!

Vibrant candy floss!

Strawberries dipped in chocolate

Strawberries dipped in chocolate

Street food Seoul

Street food Seoul

I absolutely LOVE the traditional Bibimbab which is not street food but my favourite sit-down Korean meal. There are always a million and ten side dishes of all sorts of soups, pickles and kimchi of course. The main dish is served in a piping hot bowl and consists mainly of rice, root like “things” and vegetables, meat is optional. The raw egg comes on top and you then fry your own dish in the piping hot bowl with a mild chilly sauce. Oh the joy!

Vegetarian Bibimbab

Vegetarian Bibimbab



Street Scenes and goodbyes:


Seoul at night: photo Tara

Why do I always have to leave her behind…..


My Tara walking away

Random Photo:


Oops! Handbag shopping in Seoul. Just could not resist


Street Art Down Town Ulsan


21 thoughts on “Korean Street Food

    • Absolute handbag heaven. All the brands we do not get here but oh so expensive…. Just a true treat to self says I to self! And just between me and the walls that was not the one and only purchase. Oh dear🙆😉 I rest my case.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh you got it there? Well it’s a beauty. Travel trips are great because you can experience the world in different ways, enjoy the culture, open your mind and in opening your wallet, support the local economy, thereby serving the universe…and doing good. I find when I travel that it’s harder to say no to a purchase because I will tell myself: if you don’t get it now, you won’t be able to once you are on the plane. Also a couple handbags are still cheaper than flying out again!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Thank you! Loads of practice….I talked my friend into a small boutique designer jacket im Paris one business trip, she was teetering on the edge of saying no, till I pointed out that she had no kids, didn’t need to pay for education or health insurance but that by spending she’d be supporting others who do need to earn a living to support a family..She still reminds me of that years later. Bright side, the jacket is stunning and she looks really good in it… I like to spread the love of the overspend 🙂


  2. My blogging buddy, I was thinking about you today, and typed Frigginblog into the header, but then of course recalled Flippenblog :)! it has been too long. I hope and trust you are well and that your nonblogging is due to busy life and work and not sinister causes. big hugs from Europe Poli


    • Hallooo! No hardly a blogging buddy lately. More like a reading buddy. Hahaha! I just love the frigginblog. Nice name for where I am at. Keeping busy with work, life and a nice renovation apartment inbetween. What with burst geysers, workmen and decorating there is just no peace for the wicked as you know. Will have to get my act together. This year is full of cotton wool in my head, hope it passes soon. Take care and keep on flippen bloggin’ for me🤗


      • Hello there, well good to hear you are keeping busy and wicked. I ramped activities down (can you say that :)) not really right, to once weakly postings of fountains, I have done lots of other stuff, but currently I am really need to update my business website (I have been saying that for 4 years…) and now I really do need to do something about it…also my bathroom but you know what everything takes so much time! Happy reading good to know you are good! Poli

        Liked by 1 person

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