Hello and Goodbye South Korea

Beach huts Busan

Beach huts Busan

So I am here again and it is one continuous hello and goodbye.



Hello food experiences, sights and sounds. Also experiencing temperatures between  -3 and – 15C, much colder than last time, especially after 30 degrees C in Cape Town when I left.

Seoul minus 8 C.....

Seoul minus 8 C…..

Well at least the under and outer layers and piles of clothes helped, even if it was just to make me look like I am in a moon suit.



Funny shop in Seoul. Pick a box for a set price and be surprised at what is inside. A bit like Korea, always a surprise after the next layer.

Pick a box

Pick a box

Goodbye to my daughter that stays behind for another long year. I am not getting better at this, in fact I really just suck at this.

Ulsan Station: Tara

Ulsan Station: Tara

Happy 2015 where ever you are and decide to go and let us make it a good one.

Random Photo:

Save the Rhino! Photo by Tara in Korea

Save the Rhino! Photo by Tara in Korea

9 thoughts on “Hello and Goodbye South Korea

  1. Ai vriendin. So bly jy kon dit saam met jou meisiekind geniet. Ek glo jou hart breek as jy moet groet. Maar soos jy sê, daar is altyd weer ‘n halo wat wag. En ja ons ma’ s soek as ons ons kinders groet. Maak nie saak hoe oud hul is nie.. Lovies


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